Nevine Kamel

Neivine Kamel

Business and Career Coach & HR Specialist for multinational companies. Nevine is an accredited trainer and certified coach. Mrs. Kamel received many trophies from Toastmasters International, and she was a finalist Qatar Talks public speaking contest 2023.

She has  20+ years of talent management and development across different industries in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. She enjoys working with people at different ages to help them achieve their career aspirations.


“TESOL  certified as  English instructor for non-native speakers

Accredited trainer for public speaking – National American Institute for Karisma and leadership

Life Coach -ICF Member (International coaching Federation)


Bachelor of Arts in English language and literature

MBA in Employee Relations.


اتصل بنا

    ساعات العمل

    الأحد - الخميس 9:00 ص - 5:00 م
    الجمعة والسبت 11:00 ص - 2:00 م

    بيانات المتصل

    قطر ٠٠٩٧٤٥٥٧٦٤٦٠٠
    مصر ٠٠٢٠٢٠١٠٦٠٣٤٤٢٧٦