Trainings / Services

Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. If you want to attract wealth, success and happiness, then our online coaching courses are for you.

1Master Class:
Managing Stress & Building Resilience

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of people and provide them with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively manage stress. Our goal is to assist you in promoting a healthy and resilient work life balance, ultimately enhancing productivity, engagement, and overall satisfaction.
grow & glow

2.Grow and Glow

what do you know about the 4 factors that empowers you to maintain your mental health and wellness and live peacefully in this stressful life?
join now our course to start your peaceful mind, soul and body journey.. write your action plan and start to practice directly after the course.
live course - discussion with the trainers - action plan and more.

3.Wellness program for corporates

support your employees with a wellness program for their mental health and wellness sessions and activities. Then you save their lives, and energy to work with passion and loyalty.

4.Team Coaching for Passionate performance

With our 15+ years of experience, we can empower your employees, leaders, and executives to achieve the highest level of passionate performance. HCC assesses your organization's weaknesses, creates a corrective and developing strategy, and executes the strategy through coaching, counseling, and training.

5.Training Courses

(community training for individuals – corporate training ) accredited trainings &CCUs training
happy family having fun outdoors

ADVANCED COURSEThe Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

ADVANCED COURSESocial and Emotional Intelligence

A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

Let's talk
Visit our classes

Effective, affordable classes to improve your life, relationship or marriage.

For Executives

Handling Stress and Time Management, Building Great Teams, Creating Success Retreat for Administrative Staff, Handling Stress and Time Management


As part of LCE’s vision to empower coaches, we offer select Continuous Coach Education Units (CCEU’s) that are custom created to augment coaching practices with up-to-date content in the field of coaching and self-growth. All CCEU’s are accredited by the ICF and are offered by our own homegrown faculty members and collaborators.

Group Coaching

Group coaching benefits group members by improving their capacity to: Promote systems and strategic thinking. Build proficiency in reflection, reframing, questioning, problem-solving planning, and time management. Increase dexterity in presentation, facilitation, and communication.

for Corporate Customers

Group Coaching, Seminars, Women retreat, Women Circles, One-One life Coaching Sessions, Relationship Counselling, Discover Your Passion, Family Counseling, Emotional Management, Socail Intellgence, Personality Assesments, Sleeping Problems, Relationship Coaching, Self love Vs Self Confidence

for executives

Handling Stress and Time Management, Building Great Teams, Creating Success Retreat for Administrative Staff, Handling Stress and Time Management


As part of LCE’s vision to empower coaches, we offer select Continuous Coach Education Units (CCEU’s) that are custom created to augment coaching practices with up-to-date content in the field of coaching and self-growth. All CCEU’s are accredited by the ICF and are offered by our own homegrown faculty members and collaborators.

group coaching

Group coaching benefits group members by improving their capacity to: Promote systems and strategic thinking. Build proficiency in reflection, reframing, questioning, problem-solving planning, and time management. Increase dexterity in presentation, facilitation, and communication.

For Corporate Customers

Group Coaching, Seminars, Women retreat, Women Circles, One-One life Coaching Sessions, Relationship Counselling, Discover Your Passion, Family Counseling, Emotional Management, Socail Intellgence, Personality Assesments, Sleeping Problems, Relationship Coaching, Self love Vs Self Confidence

What others say
about us

We help our clients create more love, happiness and success through marriage counseling and relationship coaching, life coaching, and individual therapy.

What others say about us

We help our clients create more love, happiness and success through marriage counseling and relationship coaching, life coaching, and individual therapy.

الكوتشنج ساعدني اعدي فترة صعبة في حياتي بأقل خساير.
لقيت الدعم الخلاني ارتب اولوياتي و اختار الافضل لي. هو باختصار بيقولك ازاي تغيري حياتك للافضل 🌹
مروه 💕

استطعت بمساعدة الكوتش ان أصل لنقطة أفهم فيها نفسي و ما اريد وما لا اريد،
الان اعرف نفسي ،ميزاتي ،قدراتي ،مهاراتي وبالتأكيد نقاط قوتي وشغفي.
أنصحك فعلا اذا كنت تعاني من صعوبة ما ،اللجوء لكوتش ليساعدك في ايجاد الحل

الكوتشنج علمني انه مهما كانت ازمتي فانا مش لوحدي اللي بأعاني كده وانه بس اشتغل على نفسي انا الاول واعيد ترتيب شوية امور عندي ومع غيري احيانا الازمة تتحل او حدتها تقل.

ما تستهيني بالكوتشينج واحضري الجلسات لتزداد قوتك وثقتك بنفسك. ساعدتني الكوتش أني أقدر الأمور أكثر وأفهم الناس وما أتهاون بحق نفسي علشان رضى الغير
رانيا القديمات

الكوتشينج غير لي حياتي واكتشفت حاجات ماكنتش اعرفها عن نفسي … زي مثلا اني كنت بقيم نفسي من خلال نظرة الناس ليا. لما عرفت ده قدرت اغير حياتي ❤️. انجي – سيدة مصرية

انتي نصف المجتمع القوي والمستقل والمعطاء .. لتحافظي على ما تبقى من قوتك وتستمتعي بعطاءك استعيني بأهل الخبرة في هذا المجال …. وغيري حياتك للأفضل مثلي مع اللايف كوتش..

تذكري : الضعف لا يليق بك💪🏼

More of
Wellness and Retreats

Coaching typically works best with a weekly call so clients have time to integrate ways of thinking, take action each week toward their goals.

More of Wellness and Retreat

Coaching typically works best with a weekly call so clients have time to integrate ways of thinking, take action each week toward their goals.

IT'S ALL INSIDEYour support

Relationships, exercise, career, and spirituality are just as important to your health as the food you eat. I am there to support the whole person.

A PROPER CHOICEThe right food

If you’re not growing your own chive plant yet, then you’re totally missing out. Chives are one of the easiest edible plants to grow.

GETTING FITTraining schedule

I act as a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients to help them feel their best through food and lifestyle changes.

IT'S ALL INSIDEYour support

Relationships, exercise, career, and spirituality are just as important to your health as the food you eat. I am there to support the whole person.

A PROPER CHOICEThe right food

If you’re not growing your own chive plant yet, then you’re totally missing out. Chives are one of the easiest edible plants to grow.

GETTING FITTraining schedule

I act as a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients to help them feel their best through food and lifestyle changes.

Everyone deserves a
healthy life!

Our mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

Everyone deserves a healthy life!

Our mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

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    ساعات العمل

    الأحد - الخميس 9:00 ص - 5:00 م
    الجمعة والسبت 11:00 ص - 2:00 م

    بيانات المتصل

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