No wasted time traveling to see your coach: attend your coaching sessions wherever you want, in your own office or a conference room at work, at home or even while traveling. Given that most people who hire life coaches are already very busy, this time-savings makes a huge difference.
No wasted time traveling to see your coach: attend your coaching sessions wherever you want, in your own office or a conference room at work, at home or even while traveling. Given that most people who hire life coaches are already very busy, this time-savings makes a huge difference.

Our team helping you
for your better future

In-person life coaching is appropriate for people who might be hard of hearing or have some disability that requires an in-person meeting. Or, you might just prefer the personal face-to-face aspect of in-person coaching.
our team -Management
Nevine Kamel
Accredited Trainer & Career CoachNeivine Kamel
yasmine albaloulli
Certified Life CoachYasmine Al-Ballouli
Specialist in Educational difficulties and behavior modifications at kids and Teen agers Ghada Nazim
Art TherapistRasha Ibrahim

Our approach
to coaching

Every 'rough patch' is an opportunity to expand your capacity for love. Successful relationships require us to to communicate, empathize, compromise, and show each other love and respect. Positive and productive therapy helps you
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your
Learn how to improve your career, create a lifestyle that encourages more, and how to avoid stress.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your
Learn how to improve your career, create a lifestyle that encourages more, and how to avoid stress.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.

Contact us
for counselling

Learn more about our marriage counseling, relationship coaching, premarital counseling, dating coaching, life coaching or career coaching - contact us with your questions.

    Online life coaching

    Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. If you want to attract wealth, success and happiness, then our online coaching courses are for you.

    BASIC COURSESet your True Goals and Achieve Them

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEFrom Stress to Power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ACCREDITED COURSEThe 7 principles that Makes Marriage Work (John Gottman)

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    ACCREDITED COURSESocial & Emotional Intelligence

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    BASIC COURSEStrong start

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEIncrease power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    What others say
    about us

    We help our clients create more love, happiness and success through marriage counseling and relationship coaching, life coaching, and individual therapy.

    الكوتشنج ساعدني اعدي فترة صعبة في حياتي بأقل خساير.
    لقيت الدعم الخلاني ارتب اولوياتي و اختار الافضل لي. هو باختصار بيقولك ازاي تغيري حياتك للافضل 🌹
    مروه 💕

    استطعت بمساعدة الكوتش ان أصل لنقطة أفهم فيها نفسي و ما اريد وما لا اريد،
    الان اعرف نفسي ،ميزاتي ،قدراتي ،مهاراتي وبالتأكيد نقاط قوتي وشغفي.
    أنصحك فعلا اذا كنت تعاني من صعوبة ما ،اللجوء لكوتش ليساعدك في ايجاد الحل

    الكوتشنج علمني انه مهما كانت ازمتي فانا مش لوحدي اللي بأعاني كده وانه بس اشتغل على نفسي انا الاول واعيد ترتيب شوية امور عندي ومع غيري احيانا الازمة تتحل او حدتها تقل.

    ما تستهيني بالكوتشينج واحضري الجلسات لتزداد قوتك وثقتك بنفسك. ساعدتني الكوتش أني أقدر الأمور أكثر وأفهم الناس وما أتهاون بحق نفسي علشان رضى الغير
    رانيا القديمات

    الكوتشينج غير لي حياتي واكتشفت حاجات ماكنتش اعرفها عن نفسي … زي مثلا اني كنت بقيم نفسي من خلال نظرة الناس ليا. لما عرفت ده قدرت اغير حياتي ❤️. انجي – سيدة مصرية

    انتي نصف المجتمع القوي والمستقل والمعطاء .. لتحافظي على ما تبقى من قوتك وتستمتعي بعطاءك استعيني بأهل الخبرة في هذا المجال …. وغيري حياتك للأفضل مثلي مع اللايف كوتش..

    تذكري : الضعف لا يليق بك💪🏼

    Everyone deserves a
    healthy life!

    My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

    Everyone deserves a healthy life!

    My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

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      ساعات العمل

      الأحد - الخميس 9:00 ص - 5:00 م
      الجمعة والسبت 11:00 ص - 2:00 م

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