
Winning a Life-time Partner

October 15, 2023

By Somaya Desouky It’s so fascinating how people congratulate new mums and dads with: “wish you see him the best groom/ wish you see her a beautiful bride”, which conditions us to see marriage as the main goal of life since the day we’re born. Nevertheless, as generations pass by, finding a suitable partner that...

August 2, 2023

تلعثم هو شكل نادر من أشكال التعثرالمفاجئ في تدفق الكلام وإيقاعه نتيجة التعرض لحادث أو إصابة في فترة من العمرلدى الكبار الذي كان تدفق حديثهم طبيعيًا من قبل، يعطل هذا الاضطراب طريقة الكلام، مما يتسبب في أصوات غير مقصودة أو

April 24, 2023

When you make the decision to invest in coaching, you are making the decision to invest in yourself. This investment ensures you are setting aside the time and focus required to successfully achieve your goals. Before you examine the time and financial investments of coaching, consider the following questions: What do I want to get...

April 24, 2023

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, ideas that need a road map and times we feel stuck. Partnering with a professional coach can unlock your potential and set you on a path to thriving personally and professionally. Once you’ve identified your goals and have decided you are ready...

April 24, 2023

In recent years, coaching has become a buzzword, especially within leadership circles, but there are still many misconceptions about what it is. Here are three key things to know about coaching: 1. Coaching is for performance development and enhancement — not for remediation. Athletes have coaches to help improve their performance so that they can...

April 24, 2023

If you have a goal you want to work toward but feel stuck or unsure about how to achieve it, you should consider partnering with a coach. Coaching clients often report that they can achieve their goals faster if they are working with a coach than if they are not. There are many different reasons...

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